Introduction to Merit Badges

Introduction to Merit Badges

Learn how the Merit Badge program works and get started on your journey.

Merit Badges are a fundamental part of your Scouting journey, especially important for ranks after First Class. You’ll need a total of 21 Merit Badges for Eagle Scout, with 13 being required badges. Let’s walk through how to get started!

1. Choose Your Merit Badge

Start by reviewing available Merit Badges and selecting one that interests you. You can find descriptions and requirements at your troop library or the official BSA website.

2. Get Your Blue Card

Before starting work on a Merit Badge:

  • Discuss your interest with your Scoutmaster
  • Get a signed “blue card” from them
  • Receive contact information for at least one Merit Badge Counselor

3. Work With Your Counselor

Merit Badge Counselors are registered adults with knowledge in the badge’s subject area. They will:

  • Guide you through requirements
  • Review any work completed before initial discussion
  • Meet with you (and your buddy) multiple times as needed
  • Sign off completed requirements

Important: Keep Your Blue Cards!

The blue card, once signed by your counselor, is your only official proof of completing the Merit Badge. Store it safely – you’ll need it for your Eagle Scout application. Consider starting an “Eagle Book” to store all your cards.

4. Complete Documentation

After completing all requirements:

  1. Get your counselor’s final approval and signature
  2. Return the signed blue card to your Scoutmaster
  3. The Scoutmaster will sign the applicant record section
  4. Present the completed card to the advancement chair for recording
  5. Receive your Merit Badge at the next Court of Honor

Ready to start? Talk to your Scoutmaster about which Merit Badge interests you!


  • Always work with a buddy when meeting your counselor
  • Take initiative in scheduling meetings and completing requirements
  • Keep track of your progress and maintain your documentation
  • Don’t hesitate to ask questions if you need help